Comcast Internship 2023: Unlock the Potential as a Machine Learning Intern

Seize the opportunity to intern with Comcast! Comcast Internship 2023 is currently open for the position of Machine Learning Intern. If you hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree and are passionate about machine learning, this could be your gateway. Explore the details below:

Comcast Internship 2023 Details:

Company Website:

Job Role: Intern & Machine Learning Intern

Qualification: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree

Experience: Fresher

Batch: 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024

Salary: ₹3 LPA (Expected)

Job Location: Chennai

Last Date: ASAP


Comcast is a frontrunner in merging media and technology, crafting unparalleled entertainment and online experiences. As a Fortune 50 leader, they innovate to deliver the world’s best entertainment. If you’re passionate about leading change and shaping the future of media and technology, Comcast invites you to fast-forward your career.

Job Description for Comcast Internship:

This internship opportunity is for internships and co-ops, focusing on machine learning and deep learning. As an intern, you’ll contribute to groundbreaking research within Comcast’s Technology & Product organization. Explore areas such as natural language understanding, conversational dialogue, audio analytics, computer vision, data science, recommendation systems, and reinforcement learning.

Core Responsibilities Comcast Internship:

  • Consistent attendance, including nights and weekends if required.
  • Execution of assigned duties and responsibilities.
  • Potential projects in the areas of NLP, speech recognition, audio analytics, computer vision, recommendation systems, and reinforcement learning.
  • Implementing proof-of-concept leading to scientific publications or patent applications.

How to Apply For Comcast Internship 2023?

Interested candidates can apply for Comcast Internship 2023 online by clicking here as soon as possible.

Apply link: Click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is the duration of the Comcast Internship?
    The internship duration is a minimum of 12 weeks, starting from May through September.
  2. What areas will the internship focus on?
    The internship will focus on machine learning, deep learning, NLP, speech recognition, audio analytics, computer vision, data science, recommendation systems, and reinforcement learning.
  3. What is the expected output of the internship?
    The expected output includes a proof-of-concept implementation leading to scientific publications and/or patent applications.
  4. Is coding experience necessary for the Machine Learning Intern role?
    Good programming and software development skills are preferred.
  5. Is the Comcast Internship open to recent graduates?
    Yes, the internship is open to graduates from the batches 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.



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