Intel Internship 2024: Data Engineering Intern

Introduction: Intel Internship

Intel is offering an exciting opportunity for freshers to join as Data Engineering Interns. This internship is ideal for university students majoring in Data Analytics/Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or Mathematics, with some prior experience. Below are the details:

Key Information:

Company Website: Intel

Job Role: Data Engineering Intern

Qualification: University Student

Batch: Recent Batches

Experience: Freshers

Salary: ₹ 8.5 LPA (Expected)

Job Location: Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi & Hyderabad

Last Date: ASAP

Job Description:

About Intel Internship 2024:

The Data Engineering Internship at Intel is an opportunity within the External Manufacturing Production (EMP) department, supporting the Global External Manufacturing (GEMS) organization. As an intern, you will work on diverse projects contributing to data analytics and solutions in the supply chain domain.

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  • Operate within a large organization, adapting to the SCRUM methodology.
  • Develop Python applications or SQL queries and stored procedures.
  • Perform experiments in new domains and collaborate with Intel engineers.
  • Contribute to various projects and skillsets within the team.

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  • University student in Data Analytics/Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or Mathematics.
  • Some experience in Python or other object-oriented languages, software development, and SQL or database management.

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  • Experience with Plotly/Dash and SCRUM or other agile methodologies.

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  • This position is not eligible for Intel immigration sponsorship.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates can apply for the Intel Internship 2024 online using the provided Apply Link.

Apply Link:  Click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the Intel Data Engineering Internship? University students majoring in Data Analytics/Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or Mathematics, with some prior experience, are eligible to apply.
  2. What is the expected salary for the Data Engineering Intern role at Intel? The expected salary is ₹8.5 LPA.
  3. Is prior work experience required for this internship? Some experience in Python, software development, and SQL is required.
  4. Where are the internship locations available? Internship locations include Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi & Hyderabad.
  5. What are the preferred qualifications for this internship? Experience with Plotly/Dash and SCRUM or other agile methodologies is preferred.



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