Shell Graduate Programme 2024 – India: Power Your Progress

Shell is inviting freshers for the Shell Graduate Programme 2024 – India, a fantastic opportunity for those who have recently completed their Bachelors, Masters, or PhD. If you’re passionate about energy solutions, eager to learn, and ready to make a difference, this is your chance to join a global leader in the energy sector. Check out the details below and apply to be part of the future of energy.

Shell Graduate Programme 2024 Details:

Company Website:

Job Role: Intern

Qualification: Bachelors, Masters, or PhD

Batch: Recent Batches

Experience: Freshers

Salary: ₹16.2 Lakhs to ₹24.0 Lakhs (Expected)

Job Location: Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurgaon, Maharashtra, Mumbai

Last Date: ASAP

Overview for Shell Graduate Programme:

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Joining the Shell Graduate Programme means being a part of the transition to a net-zero emissions business. Shell is seeking individuals who share the passion for progress and want to contribute to developing energy solutions for the future. As a graduate, you will work on meaningful projects, collaborate with experienced colleagues, and have the opportunity to grow your skills in a values-led culture.

To be eligible for the Shell Graduate Programme:

  • You must be in the final year of your post-graduation or have graduated with an advanced degree like Masters or PhD.
  • Less than 3 years of work experience.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Indian citizenship or Permanent Residency or a valid work permit for India.
  • Graduated prior to your first day at Shell.

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How to Apply For Shell Graduate Programme 2024 – India?

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All interested and eligible candidates can apply for the Shell Graduate Programme 2024 online

Apply Link: Click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Can I apply if I have completed my post-graduation more than 3 years ago?
    No, you must have less than 3 years of work experience.
  2. Is there a specific position I need to apply for, or will I be assigned a role based on my skills?
    Shell matches you into a role based on your skills, so you won’t be required to apply for a specific position.
  3. What locations are available for the Shell Graduate Programme?
    Positions are available in Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurgaon, Maharashtra, and Mumbai.
  4. Is there any specific degree requirement for the programme?
    You need to be in the final year of your post-graduation or have graduated with an advanced degree like Masters or PhD.
  5. Are international students eligible for the Shell Graduate Programme in India?
    No, you need to be an Indian citizen or Permanent Resident or have a valid work permit for India.



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