GE Healthcare Careers 2024: Hiring For EID Intern


GE Healthcare is seeking freshers for the position of EID Intern. Recent graduates from a Bachelors/technical program in the relevant function are eligible to apply. The internship duration is typically between 6 and 12 months, during which interns may work on projects requiring independent decision-making.

Key Information:

Company Website:

Job Role: EID Intern

Qualification: Recent graduate from a Bachelors/technical program

Batch: Recent graduate

Experience: Freshers

Salary: ₹ 3.5 LPA (Expected)

Job Location: Bengaluru

Last Date: ASAP

Roles & Responsibilities:

Details About GE Healthcare Careers 2024:

The EID Intern will work on projects often requiring independent decision-making, typically lasting between 6 and 12 months. They may be tasked with aspects of a full-time job within the function they are interning in, such as writing software code for engineering internships.

Preferred Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications for GE Healthcare Careers:

  • Recent graduate from a Bachelors/technical program in the relevant function.
  • Equivalent GPA of at least 3.0 or CGPA 7.
  • Ability to exercise independent judgment consistent with department guidelines.
  • Strong organizational skills with high attention to detail.
  • Proactive self-starter capable of working independently with minimal direction.
  • Ability to quickly identify and prioritize issues, create solutions, and meet deadlines.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work within a globally diverse team.

How to Apply:

How to Apply For GE Healthcare Careers Hiring 2024?

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the GE Healthcare Careers 2024 online through the provided link as soon as possible.

Apply Link:  Click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the EID Intern position at GE Healthcare Careers? Recent graduates from a Bachelors/technical program in the relevant function are eligible to apply.
  2. What is the expected salary for the EID Intern role? The expected salary is ₹ 3.5 LPA.
  3. What is the duration of the internship? Internships typically last between 6 and 12 months.
  4. Are there any specific skills required for this internship? Strong organizational skills, ability to work independently, and interpersonal skills are preferred.
  5. Where is the job location for this position? The job location is Bengaluru.



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